Beef Bone Broth Home Made

Daftar Isi
Beef Bone Broth adalah cairan kental kaldu dari tulang dan sumsum sapi. Minuman Bone Broth ini merupakan suplemen yang banyak akan nutrisi. Mempunyai kandungan kolagen dan protein yang tinggi, berfungsi untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Apalagi seperti musim hujan saat ini, di bulan November, Desember, hingga Januari biasanya banyak yang terkena penyakit batuk pilek. Balita atau anak-anak sering sekali tertular batuk pilek jika banyak berinteraksi dengan teman-temannya yang sedang bapil juga.
Sebagai orang tua, harus bisa memproteksi anak dari segi imunitas tubuhnya. Bone broth juga sebagai anti inflamatory (anti radang). Selain sudah di vaksin influensa, dan vaksin-vaksin lain, kita harus bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhnya melalui nutrisi.
Saya rutin membuat bone broth, baik itu bone broth dari cakar ayam / chicken broth atau dari tulang dan sumsum sapi. Bone broth ini saya simpan di freezer untuk sewaktu-waktu dicairkan agar langsung bisa makan. Yuk kita simak cara membuat Beef Bone Broth Home Made:

Beef Bone Broth Home Made

Bone Broth Recipe

  1. Tulang dan Sumsum Kaki Sapi
  2. Bawang Bombay 1 buah
  3. Bawang Putih 1 Siung
  4. Jahe
  5. Daun Seledri
  6. Daun Bawang
  7. Kayu manis
  8. Cengkeh
  9. Wortel
  10. Apple Cider (Cuka Apel), 1 sendok makan
  11. VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil), 1 sendok makan

Cara Membuat Beef Bone Broth

  1. Cuci semua bahan diatas
  2. Siapkan slow cooker
  3. Taruh tulang kaki yang ada sumsumnya dibagian bawah slow cooker
  4. Masukan bawang bombay, bawang putih, jahe, daun selederi, daun bawang, kayu manis, cengkeh, wortel, cuka apel satu sendok makan, dan VCO satu sendok makan. Tambahkan air secukupya hingga semua bahan terendam air.
  5. Setting slow cooker untuk masak selama 6 jam, tunggu sampai selesai 6 jam kemudian setting lagi selama 2 jam. Jadi total memasak bone broth itu 8 jam. Perhatikan jika air terlalu sedikit, maka tambahkanlah air kembali.
Untuk mendapatkan nutrisi yang baik dari bone broth, jangan sampai over cooking atau terlalu lama. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh (Ma et al., 2023) Memasak dengan suhu tinggi dapat mempercepat larutnya zat gizi dalam bone broth. Namun, memasak dalam waktu lama dapat menyebabkan penurunan nilai sensoris dan gizi bone broth. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan waktu memasak merupakan faktor penting.

Pengemasan Beef Bone Broth

Setelah dingin dari slow cooker, saring bone broth ke dalam jar. Agar dapat tersimpan lama dan higienis, beef bone broth yang sudah jadi kita simpan di dalam jar 100 ml atau 250 ml. Masukan kedalam freezer atau lemari es agar bisa tersimpan lebih lama.

Kandungan Beef Bone Broth

Beef bone broth sebanyak 250 ml mengandung antara lain Protein dan Asam Amino. Beef Bone Broth tulang sapi kaya akan protein, termasuk kolagen, yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan sendi. Kaldu ini mengandung asam amino esensial, terutama glisin dan prolin. Beef bone broth juga mengandung mineral seperti kalsium, magnesium, fosfor, natrium, dan kalium. Kandungan mineral ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada metode masak dan lamanya waktu memasak. Beef bone broth juga mengandung vitamin termasuk vitamnin B (B2, B6, B12) yang penting bagi tubuh untuk metabolisme dan kesehatan. 
Jurnal penelitian yang ditulis oleh (Mar-Solís et al., 2021) menyebutkan bahwa bone broth dapat mengobati penyakit gastrointestinal, seperti kolitis ulseratif (UC). Penelitian lain yang dilakukan oleh (Seki et al., 2024) menyebutkan bahwa bone broth dapat menghambat osteoporosis, oleh sebab itu bukan hanya anak-anak saja yang disarankan untuk minum bone broth, tetapi juga orang dewasa minum bone broth. 

Manfaat Bone Broth

Bone broth manfaatnya antara lain adalah anti inflamasi, menjaga kesehatan sendi, dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Manfaat bone broth ini tidak hanya untuk anak-anak, tetapi dewasa dapat memanfaatkan kandungan bone broth agar sendi-sendi yang sering kaku menjadi lentur kembali. Gelatin dalam kaldu tulang (bone broth) dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan usus dengan mendukung integritas lapisan usus, yang mungkin bermanfaat bagi individu dengan gangguan pencernaan (Mar-Solís et al., 2021). 
Manfaat bone broth bagi dewasa adalah untuk kesehatan tulang. Bone broth atau kaldu tulang kaya akan berbagai nutrisi yang sering kali kurang dalam pola makan modern. Nutrisi ini berupa kalsium dan vitamin D (Nieves, 2020). Protein sangat penting untuk kesehatan tulang, asalkan asupan kalsium mencukupi, dan dikaitkan dengan kepadatan mineral tulang dan risiko patah tulang pinggul. Kekurangan protein sering terjadi pada orang tua. Sumber utama protein adalah daging (Burckhardt, 2018). 
Mencegah Osteoporosi itu mulai sejak dini. Karena Osteoporosis adalah sering disebut pediatric disorder karena peak bone mass itu sebagian besar ditentukan selama masa kanak-kanak. Maka, sering-seringlah anak itu bermain outdoor agar terkena sinar matahari yang mengandung vitamin D. Pencegahan osteoporosis juga dapat menggunakan bone broth yang kaya akan kalsium, Vitamin D, dan protein (Weaver et al., 2018). Perlindungan tulang yang optimal memerlukan diet yang kaya akan semua nutrisi penting. Regimen suplementasi mononutrien sering kali tidak memadai untuk memastikan perlindungan nutrisi yang optimal bagi kesehatan tulang. Beberapa bahan bioaktif dapat meningkatkan kesehatan tulang dengan mengurangi peradangan kronis.


  • Burckhardt, P. (2018). Nutrition and bone. In Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases (pp. 82–88). Scopus.
  • Ma, C., Tian, X., Li, Y., Guo, J., Wang, X., Chen, S., Bai, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., & Wang, W. (2023). Using high-temperature cooking for different times for bone soup: Physicochemical properties, protein oxidation and nutritional value. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 122. Scopus.
  • Mar-Solís, L. M., Soto-Domínguez, A., Rodríguez-Tovar, L. E., Rodríguez-Rocha, H., García-García, A., Aguirre-Arzola, V. E., Zamora-ávila, D. E., Garza-Arredondo, A. J., & Castillo-Velázquez, U. (2021). Analysis of the anti-inflammatory capacity of bone broth in a murine model of ulcerative colitis. Medicina (Lithuania), 57(11). Scopus.
  • Nieves, J. W. (2020). Nutrients beyond calcium and vitamin D to treat osteoporosis. In Marcus and Feldman’s Osteoporosis (pp. 1679–1693). Scopus.
  • Seki, Y., Ohkuma, R. C., Miyakawa, Y., Karakida, T., Yamamoto, R., & Yamakoshi, Y. (2024). Hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate in chicken–vegetable bone broth delay osteoporosis progression. Journal of Food Science, 89(3), 1791–1803. Scopus.
  • Weaver, C. M., Dawson-Hughes, B., Rizzoli, R., & Heaney, R. P. (2018). Nutritional support for osteoporosis. In Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism (pp. 534–540). Scopus.

English Version

Beef Bone Broth is more than just a savory liquid; it's a powerhouse of nutrients that can bolster your health in numerous ways. This thick broth, made from beef bones and marrow, is a staple in many kitchens, especially during the colder months. As the rainy season sets in from November to January, it's common for many to catch colds. Children, in particular, are susceptible to colds and flu, especially when they interact with peers who are also sick. As parents, it's crucial to protect our children's immunity, and one effective way to do this is through nutrition. Enter Beef Bone Broth, a natural, nutrient-dense supplement that can help keep those pesky colds at bay.

Why Beef Bone Broth?

Bone broth is renowned for its high collagen and protein content, which are essential for boosting the immune system. Besides its immune-boosting properties, bone broth also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. This makes it an excellent addition to your diet, especially during flu season. While vaccines like the flu shot are essential, enhancing your immunity through nutrition is equally important.

Making Beef Bone Broth at Home

I regularly make bone broth, whether it's from chicken feet or beef bones and marrow. The process is simple, and the results are incredibly rewarding. Here's a step-by-step guide to making your own homemade Beef Bone Broth:


  1. Beef bones and marrow
  2. 1 Onion
  3. 1 Clove of garlic
  4. Ginger
  5. Celery leaves
  6. Green onions
  7. Cinnamon
  8. Cloves
  9. Carrots
  10. Apple cider vinegar
  11. Virgin coconut oil (VCO)


  1. Preparation: Start by washing all the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Slow Cooker Setup: Prepare your slow cooker. Place the beef bones with marrow at the bottom.
  3. Adding Ingredients: Add the onion, garlic, ginger, celery leaves, green onions, cinnamon, cloves, carrots, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and one tablespoon of VCO. Add enough water to cover all the ingredients.
  4. Cooking: Set the slow cooker to cook for 6 hours. Once done, set it again for an additional 2 hours, making the total cooking time 8 hours. If the water level gets too low, add more water.
  5. Avoid Overcooking: To retain the nutritional value of the bone broth, avoid overcooking. Research by Ma et al. (2023) indicates that cooking at high temperatures can speed up the dissolution of nutrients in bone broth. However, cooking for too long can reduce its sensory and nutritional value. Therefore, the cooking time is a crucial factor.

Packaging and Storage

Once the bone broth has cooled, strain it into jars. For long-term storage and to maintain hygiene, store the finished beef bone broth in 100 ml or 250 ml jars. Place these jars in the freezer or refrigerator to keep the broth fresh for an extended period.

Nutritional Content of Beef Bone Broth

A 250 ml serving of beef bone broth is packed with protein and amino acids. It is rich in collagen, which is beneficial for joint health, and contains essential amino acids like glycine and proline. Additionally, beef bone broth is a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. The mineral content can vary depending on the cooking method and duration. Beef bone broth also contains B vitamins (B2, B6, B12), which are vital for metabolism and overall health.

Health Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone broth offers numerous health benefits, making it a valuable addition to both children's and adults' diets. Here are some of the key benefits:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Bone broth acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, helping to reduce inflammation in the body.
Joint Health: The high collagen content supports joint health, making it beneficial for those with joint issues.
Immune System Boost: Regular consumption of bone broth can help boost the immune system, making it easier to fend off colds and flu.
Gut Health: Gelatin in bone broth supports the integrity of the gut lining, which can be beneficial for individuals with digestive disorders (Mar-Solís et al., 2021).
Bone Health: Bone broth is rich in nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for bone health. Protein is also crucial for maintaining bone density and preventing fractures, especially in the elderly (Burckhardt, 2018).

Preventing Osteoporosis: Preventing osteoporosis should start early. Osteoporosis is often referred to as a pediatric disorder because peak bone mass is largely determined during childhood. Encouraging children to play outdoors to get sunlight, which provides vitamin D, is essential. Additionally, bone broth, rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein, can help prevent osteoporosis (Weaver et al., 2018). Optimal bone protection requires a diet rich in all essential nutrients, as mononutrient supplementation is often inadequate for ensuring optimal bone health.


Incorporating Beef Bone Broth into your diet is a simple yet effective way to boost your health. Whether you're looking to enhance your immune system, support joint health, or improve gut health, bone broth offers a wealth of benefits. By making it at home, you can ensure that you're getting a nutrient-rich, high-quality broth that supports your overall well-being. So, why not give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself?


  • Burckhardt, P. (2018). Nutrition and bone. In Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases (pp. 82–88). Scopus.
  • Ma, C., Tian, X., Li, Y., Guo, J., Wang, X., Chen, S., Bai, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., & Wang, W. (2023). Using high-temperature cooking for different times for bone soup: Physicochemical properties, protein oxidation and nutritional value. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 122. Scopus.
  • Mar-Solís, L. M., Soto-Domínguez, A., Rodríguez-Tovar, L. E., Rodríguez-Rocha, H., García-García, A., Aguirre-Arzola, V. E., Zamora-ávila, D. E., Garza-Arredondo, A. J., & Castillo-Velázquez, U. (2021). Analysis of the anti-inflammatory capacity of bone broth in a murine model of ulcerative colitis. Medicina (Lithuania), 57(11). Scopus.
  • Nieves, J. W. (2020). Nutrients beyond calcium and vitamin D to treat osteoporosis. In Marcus and Feldman’s Osteoporosis (pp. 1679–1693). Scopus.
  • Seki, Y., Ohkuma, R. C., Miyakawa, Y., Karakida, T., Yamamoto, R., & Yamakoshi, Y. (2024). Hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate in chicken–vegetable bone broth delay osteoporosis progression. Journal of Food Science, 89(3), 1791–1803. Scopus.
  • Weaver, C. M., Dawson-Hughes, B., Rizzoli, R., & Heaney, R. P. (2018). Nutritional support for osteoporosis. In Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism (pp. 534–540). Scopus.

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